We are so excited about this upcoming VBS Experience here at ParkerDC! If you aren’t familiar with the DC VBS madness, then you should know that we go BIG with Vacation Bible School! PIERRE’S PIZZERIA is no exception. Join us June 17-20, 2025 (8:30-11:30 AM) for this awesome experience. Pierre’s Pizzeria is for kids, ages 4 years old thru 6th grade (completed this summer). We look forward to seeing you at Pierre’s Pizzeria this June! Registration opens on May 1, 2025.

Pre-Registration is now closed BUT it’s NOT TOO LATE to register your kids for PIERRE’S VBS. Come early on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday and you can register your kids as you check them in. Registration opens at 8:00 AM each day. PIERRE’S PIZZERIA VBS begins at 8:30 AM.